2D Animation Reel
Character Animation and Special Effects Animation done in  ToonBoom Harmony, Adobe After Effects, and Adobe Animate/Flash.
Motion Graphics Reel
Motion Graphics (MGFX) and Special Effects Animation done in Adobe After Effects, ToonBoom Harmony, and Adobe Photoshop.
Halloween Social Animation for Explainly (2021)
Super Sidekick 2D Animated Short Film (2021)
Individually produced, designed, storyboarded, and animated my Senior Thesis film. Created and managed a complex production schedule under a tight time constraint using the software Shotgun/ShotGrid, and managed a small team of musical composers and artists who assisted me with minor additional rough animation. ​By telling this story, I am aiming to convey the growth of my characters’ relationship, and  make my audience laugh with fun scenarios and unique animation.
Original Autumn Themed 'Lofi Girl' Parody Animation for Explainly (2022)
Standard Heating & Air Conditioning Animated Infographic for Explainly (2022)
In need of 5 alternate sleek animated infographics to majorly support their sales team, Standard Heating knew just who to call for the job. As the Creative Producer & Designer at Explainly, I got straight to work sketching, storyboarding, illustrating, animating, and sound-designing these furnace and condenser based motion graphics, exactly to the client’s liking. Delivered ahead of schedule, these final individual videos are now allowing the Standard Heating sales team to visually describe the complexity of their offerings to potential customers through their website, Vimeo, and email marketing blasts.
Explainly Google and Social Display Ads - Production & Motion Graphics (2022)
These new ads I produced, shot, edited, and animated increased our previous ad's 3-year viewer click-through rate by 400+% in 1 week, leading to more followers, viewers, and potential meetings booked.
HoneyBook Pinterest Lead-Gen Ads - Production & Motion Graphics at Explainly (2022)
Alloy Software Explainer & Tutorial MGFX Videos (2021)

Independently wrote, storyboarded, designed, animated, and edited explainer videos, tutorials, and promotional videos with Alloy Automation as a Content Production Intern using Adobe After Effects, Premiere, Illustrator, and Photoshop. Each video was produced completely within in 1-3 weeks, and sought to maintain Alloy's unique brand and voice throughout.
Animator & Producer on 'Trash Boy' Video Game (2020)
IEEE GameSIG 2020 Award Winner 'Best Kids Game' and Chapman Games Winter Showcase Winner 'Best Art' & 'Fan Favorite'. Worked with a team of 6 to create a 2D platform-based game about a city raccoon, that was programmed and designed from scratch.
Painted the tutorial level background, and rough animated, cleaned up, and colored numerous player animations and animated background assets - including the Trash Boy jumping into a dumpster, trudging through wet cement, flexing, walking, idling, and more.
'Jungle Run' Video Game (2019)

2D Endless-Runner-style video game animated in ToonBoom Harmony, designed in Photoshop, and programmed in GameMaker Studio 2 set in a tropical jungle. Jump over obstacles and duck under flying parrots as your speed gradually increases with every step, making it more and more difficult to dodge the logs and gemstones blocking your path.
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